Queen Collective on Hulu: 3 Part promo tease
PRODUCTION: leroy & clarkson
~ The Queen Collective is an ambitious initiative started by Queen Latifah, P&G, and Tribeca Films to help young female film directors of color get their films made and distributed. In its’ first year, TQC helped produce 2 documentary films which then found distribution thru HULU. These promos were designed to tease the eventual film releases in 3 parts; the problem, the solution, and the result. This was a particularly rewarding editorial project for me as I was tasked with not only the edit, but also the development of the script along with L&C’s creative team of Kate Hillis & Mark Valentine from hours of transcripts. If There Is Light and Ballet After Dark (the two winning documentaries), can now be seen on HULU
~ Contributions to the project; editorial & script development